The Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols (MARLAP) Manual


MARLAP-cover.pngThe MARLAP manual is a guidance document for radiochemistry laboratories and for planners of projects that involve radiochemical analysis. The manual was developed by a multi-agency workgroup with representation from the following federal departments and agencies:

There was also representation from the states (Kentucky and California).

The MARLAP manual is a large document, and it is divided conceptually into two parts (although the printed version actually has three volumes). Part I is intended primarily for project planners and deals with data quality objectives (DQOs), measurement quality objectives (MQOs), and analytical issues that project planners should be aware of. MARLAP Part II is intended mainly for laboratory personnel and deals with technical issues at the radiochemistry laboratory including chemistry, nuclear counting instruments, quality control, and uncertainty evaluation.


The workgroup met for the first time in Washington, DC, in August 1995. The first meeting lasted only about two days, and there were no more meetings forseveral months, partly because of the temporary shutdown of much of the federal bureaucracy in late 1995. The next meeting occurred in Montgomery, AL, in March 1996. The group clearly underestimated the effort that would be required to develop the manual. Subsequent meetings gradually increased in length from two days to five days and became more frequent. Several meetings were held at the headquarters of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in Rockville, MD. A few meetings were held at the EPA’s National Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory in Montgomery, AL, and a few were held at the USGS’s National Water Quality Laboratory in Denver, CO. Two meetings were held at DOE’s Environmental Measurements Laboratory in New York City (later DHS’s Environmental Measurements Laboratory). Many of the meetings were held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD.

The manual went through an internal agency review, further revisions, and later a public review and a formal peer review by the Radiation Advisory Committee of EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB).

The manual was finalized in July 2004 and was officially approved by all the participating departments and agencies between August and December of 2004.

How to Obtain the Manual

To view or download the MARLAP manual, visit​radiation/​multi-agency-radiological-laboratory-analytical-protocols-manual-marlap. It is possible to download any or all chapters and appendices.


Listed below are some known errors in the MARLAP manual.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Chapter 5: Obtaining Laboratory Services

Chapter 6: Selection and Application of an Analytical Method

Chapter 8: Radiochemical Data Verification and Validation

Chapter 19: Measurement Uncertainty

Chapter 20: Detection and Quantification Capabilities


Appendix G: Statistical Tables

If you find other errors in the manual, particularly in Chapters 19 and 20 and Appendices C, F, and G, please email me at I also have a particular interest in Chapters 1, 3, 6, 16, and 18; however, I will accept comments on all parts of the manual and pass them along.

Note: I seem to have difficulty putting all the words into Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols. If you find examples of it on this website, please let me know about those errors too.

Other Recommended Improvements for Revision 1

MARLAP has not been revised since 2004, and it appears likely that it will never be revised, at least not in my lifetime. If it were to be revised, I would recommend the following changes.

Chapter 6: Selection and Application of an Analytical Method

Chapter 19: Measurement Uncertainty

Chapter 20: Detection and Quantification Capabilities


Appendix F: Laboratory Subsampling