
Fourth child from left; standing on bench Georgia (age 28) with sons “JL” and “Dodge” Georgia and Leonard McCroan Georgia and daughter Pat Georgia at Pat’s Prom Georgia at age 68 Georgia with great-granddaughter Mothers Day 2007 Georgia@97 with Jimmy
Georgia Belle McCroan (1910–2009)

Kathryne McCroan (1936–2020) and Ken McCroan (1956–2020)

Ocie Thigpen (1899–1979)

McCroan Family Reunion

The last McCroan family reunion was held April 29, 2017, at Sneads Park in Sneads, Florida. The next reunion has not been planned.
Sallie Davis McCroan, Fannie Davis McCroan, and children (circa 1915)
Sallie Fannie Leonard Mattie Lee Eva Harvey Troy Boykin Perry Allie Mae Mamie Freddy mccroans.jpg
Google maps
2399 Legion Road, Sneads, FL


PDF Charts and Outlines

The PDF files below were produced using Family Tree Maker® v11.

pdf.pngDescendants of John McCroan pdf.pngDescendants of Seaborn Thigpen
pdf.pngDescendants of John Ayers pdf.pngDescendants of Barney Laster
pdf.pngPedigree Tree of Leonard McCroan


Carroll Kinnon McCroan interviewed Fannie Davis McCroan (1882–1969) sometime about 1968 and recorded the conversation on tape. About 2005 or 2006, Ken McCroan, Jr., converted the taped conversation to MP3 format. (This is a rather large file; so, be patient.)

Fannie’s Southern accent comes from southwest Georgia. Carroll’s comes from the panhandle of Florida.

For more on-line information about the McCroan family, see

Later this page may have more information on the following families:

The information will include PDF files, like those above, and scanned images of things that seem interesting, such as Barney Laster’s family Bible or the Confederate military records of Barney Laster and Joseph E. Morris.* Eventually there may be a searchable database, but don’t hold your breath.

Bertha Prosser Joiner

I met Bertha Prosser Joiner (née Bertha Iola Prosser) about 1977 or 78. She was my maternal grandmother’s first cousin and a granddaughter of Barney Laster. (She told us that she remembered sitting on Barney’s lap as a small child and playing with his snuff box.) Later my mom showed me an old photo album with a faded picture of a pretty young woman that my grandmother said was Bertha. Apparently she had been considered quite a beauty, which I as a teenager could not have guessed from the wrinkled face of the octogenarian woman I met. For years we wanted to hire someone to enhance the photo, but we didn’t know whom we could trust. Eventually the technology advanced enough that we could do it ourselves. My mom gave me the photo album, and in March 2014 I got around to scanning and enhancing the photo. Click the thumbnails below to see the full-size images, which are roughly 800 px × 1000 px.

Bertha Iola Prosser [Joiner] (original) Bertha Iola Prosser [Joiner] (enhanced) Bertha Iola Prosser [Joiner] (enhanced sepia)
Bertha Prosser Joiner (1891–1986)


  1. Keith first became interested in genealogy while he was still in high school in 1977 (before the miniseries Roots), when he got possession of Barney’s family Bible. For a few years after that, he had time to spend researching the family history, but eventually other duties began to interfere. So, the information hasn’t been up to date for a number of years now.
  2. We deliberately omit data about the most recent generations, because we think it may be a bad idea to publish too much information about people on the web—even something as seemingly innocuous as a person’s mother’s maiden name. Also, some people feel that it infringes on their privacy.
 *  Barney Laster and Joseph E. Morris were Keith’s great-great-grandfathers. It is said that Henry J.J. McCroan and Amos Thigpen (also G-G grandfathers) were Confederate veterans, but Keith has no records to prove it.